SD-WAN may be a phase in the evolution of networking. While it provides clear benefits today, we need to ask tough questions about whether the tunneling technologies that SD-WAN relies on can enable future networks. Source: Is SD-WAN The Walkman Of Networking? – Packet Pushers
Cloud migration becomes complicated as most of today’s workloads are on virtual machines or on bare metal. This causes workload portability issues for many companies. Source: Addressing the Risks of a Strategic Cloud Migration | IT Infrastructure Advice, Discussion, Community – Network Computing
To achieve the needed visibility in today’s hybrid world, be sure you’re able to collect, analyze, and act upon these four networking data types. Source: 4 Networking Data Types to Use for Comprehensive Visibility | IT Infrastructure Advice, Discussion, Community – Network Computing
![SD-Wan as a service]()
A look at SD-WAN security capabilities and partnerships from vendors, including Aruba, Cisco, Riverbed, and Silver Peak. Source: What are the options for securing SD-WAN? | Network World
There are many challenges that must be considered if you want your organization’s data lake architecture to be a valuable asset instead of a “data dumping ground.” Source: Maturing your Cloud-Based Data Lake Architecture | IT Pro
SD-WANs provide multiple benefits, but only when deployed correctly. Here’s a look at what not to do when creating an SD-WAN. Source: Avoid These Five Common SD-WAN Deployment Mistakes | IT Infrastructure Advice, Discussion, Community – Network Computing
“ Over the years I came up with the reasons you might want to consider before ripping everything out of your current WAN infrastructure and I think they could help many decision makers.” […] Source: SD-WAN: Reasons To Think Twice. A Curious Case Of Inaction; Operators And Vendors | Packet Pushers
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Companies are moving further into the cloud and undergoing data modernization. What some don’t realize yet is that one strategy is better than two. Source: Your Cloud and Data Management Strategies are About to Collide | InformationWeek
Daily news reports of high-profile breaches and massive credential dumps underscore the problems with relying on passwords for security. Users either opt for simple easy-to-guess passwords or, when required to come up with more difficult ones, use the same passwords everywhere they go. After all, who has time to memorize dozens of long random strings […]
Legacy applications can leave massive security holes and must be dealt with, no matter how critical they are. Source: Technical Debt: A Data Center Security Risk You Can’t Afford | Data Center Knowledge