The enterprise application landscape is spreading out. Not only have users been distributed globally for years, but now, the applications are moving out of the private enterprise data center. Organizations are shifting from on-premise application server environments to a multi-cloud world, leveraging SaaS and cloud services from multiple providers and deploying more real-time applications like […]
Make sure you choose wisely and regularly monitor how your cloud vendor relationships are evolving to ensure you are benefiting as much as possible. Source: 3 Things Your Cloud Vendor Should be Doing to Keep Your Business | IT Infrastructure Advice, Discussion, Community – Network Computing
Digital expansion is forcing organizations to operate in a highly distributed environment with applications everywhere. Source: Digital Expansion will Disrupt the Data Center | IT Infrastructure Advice, Discussion, Community – Network Computing
Cloud artificial intelligence presents some challenges that other cloud-based offerings do not. Source: Is Cloud AI a Fad? The Shortcomings of Cloud Artificial Intelligence | IT Pro
Without a doubt, the key driver for SD-WAN is the emerging dominance of cloud-based applications, data storage, and compute. As branch traffic flows shift from the headquarters data center to the cloud, it’s inefficient to backhaul all traffic through the headquarters. Concurrently, many organizations are embarking on digital transformation initiatives. Source: SD-WAN vs. MPLS: MPLS […]
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CTSBoston can set your business up with the most cutting edge and reliable business internet solutions, including VoIP, SD-WAN, and live video streaming for business. CTSBoston will help you choose the right business internet service and keep your business relevant in today’s constantly changing environment.
![ethernet cabling]()
It’s important to have an organized, labeled and clean network cable solution, and CTSBoston ensures that your network cabling is in order. Our network cabling services from CTSBoston are designed to support your company’s growth through multiple technology advances.
![fast internet]()
CTSBoston provides a comprehensive suite of managed cloud solutions, business internet & phone, network security, and network cabling. Cutting-edge technology and cost-saving solutions designed to boost your business and your bottom line–that’s CTSBoston. Connect and collaborate. Anytime, anywhere.
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